The Independent is reporting:
An Afghan law which legalized rape has been sent back to parliament with a clause letting husbands starve their wives if they refuse to have sex...
The amendments were passed to the cabinet this week and signed by Mr Karzai on Wednesday, Human Rights Watch said last night.
[Women's rights activist Wazhma Frough observes,] "if the wife doesn't accept her husband's sexual requirements then he can deny her food."
According to civil society groups, the law, which regulates the personal affairs of Afghanistan's minority Shia community, still includes clauses which allow rapists to marry their victims as a way of absolving their crime and it tacitly approves child marriage...
It is due to be ratified by parliament, which first passed the legislation in March with hardly any debate.
Since 2001, over 6,000 United States-allied forces have been killed, and over 4,000 have been wounded in Afghanistan. Over 20,000 "enemies" have been killed by "coalition" and allied forces. According to the National Priorities Project, American taxpayers have spent over 191 billion dollars on the War in Afghanistan. That money could go a long way toward improving health-care, but apparently our politicians would rather preserve the right to rape for those whose culture supports it.
And Barack Obama is instituting his own new "surge" to step up our military campaign to preserve this "Democratic" right to perpetrate these kinds of extremely repugnant policies. These are the fruits of the recent military adventurism by the United States. Can we please tell Barack that his wars are not holier than Bush's wars?
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